My New Bible Companion


I have been looking for a new way to read the Holy Bible when I came across this devotional in the ads sent though my email. I got curious and after few minutes of browsing its contents, I immediately said to myself, ‘I got to have this one!’ and here it is, finally.

It is very disheartening sometimes that we, Catholics, are looked down and even worse, ridiculed because we do not know our Bible. A lot of the people I know do not even own one! And this is the crux of the matter. Saint Jerome, perhaps the greatest Bible scholar the Catholic Church ever had, once said, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” I think this well-known dictum by this great saint is the most important reason why we should read our Bible for us not to be ignorant about Christ.

Pope Francis even admonished us to “remember that the Bible was not written to be put on a bookshelf. It was written to be held in one’s hands, to be read frequently, every day, either alone or with others.”

This devotional is a must-have for every Catholic who desires to deepen his understanding of the Bible. It is the Word of God. It is God who speaks to us every time we read a passage in the Bible.

So my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I encourage each and everyone of you, including myself, to read our Bible and “let our daily reading of Scripture be for us a foretaste of heaven, our roadmap to heaven, a trustworthy companion along the narrow, rough, and arduous ascent we are making toward heaven.”

God bless us all and Happy New Year!